Stock Forecasting Based On Machine Learning: Up to 40.98% in 3 Months

Stock Forecasting Based On Machine Learning

This Best Tech Stocks forecast is designed for investors and analysts who need predictions of the best performing stocks for the whole Technology Industry. It includes 10 stocks with bullish and bearish signals and indicates the best tech stocks to buy:
  • Top 10 tech stocks for the long position
  • Top 10 tech stocks for the short position
Package Name: Tech Stocks
Recommended Positions: Long
24 07 2013 10 48 51 Best Investments Based on Algorithms: 8.19% Gain in 14 DaysForecast Length: 3 Months (12/28/14 – 3/28/15)
I Know First Average: 12.71%
Get the “Top Tech Stocks” Package. Stock Forecasting based on machine learning

Stock Market Algorithm: Up To 46.89% Return In 1 Year

Stock Market Algorithm

This forecast is part of the “Top 10 stock picks ” package, as one of I Know First’s algorithmic trading tools. The full Top 10 stock picks forecast includes a daily predictions for a total of 10 stocks with bullish signals:

  • top 10 stock picks to long
  • top 10 stock picks to short
  • S&P 500 forecast
Package Name: Top 10 Stocks
Recommended Positions: Long 
24 07 2013 10 48 51 Best Investments Based on Algorithms: 8.19% Gain in 14 DaysForecast Length: 1 year (3/30/14 – 3/30/15)
I Know First Average: 14.90%
Get the "Top 10 Stock Picks" Package. Stock Market Algorithm

Top Stock Research: Up to 40.98% in 3 Months

Top Stock Research

This stock market forecast includes the best stocks determined by the algorithm with a market capitalization of less than a billion dollars.

  • 10 Best Small Cap stocks for the long position
  • 10 Best Small Cap stocks for the short position
Package Name: Best Small Cap Stocks
Recommended Positions: Long
24 07 2013 10 48 51 Best Investments Based on Algorithms: 8.19% Gain in 14 DaysForecast Length: 3 Month (12/28/14 - 03/28/15)
I Know First Average: 13.95%

Get the "Best small caps Stocks" Package.

Top Stock Research

Currency Trends: 76.47% Success Rate in 1 Year

Currency Trends

The left-hand graph shows March 30th 2014 currency forecast which includes both long and short recommendations. The green boxes signify long signals and the red boxes signify short signals. The bright shades denote the strongest signals. The right-hand side shows the returns of the suggested currency pairs from March 30th 2014 to March 30th 2015

24-07-2013 10-48-51 Forecast Length: 1 Year (03/30/14 - 03/30/15) currency trends

Stock Market Indices: Up to 21.59% in 3 Month

Stock Market Indices

This algorithmic forecast is part of the "World Indices" package, as one of I Know First's quantitative investment solutions. We determine our world indices picks by screening our database daily using our advanced algorithm. The full World Indexes Package includes a daily forecast for a total of 20 indices with bullish and bearish signals:

  • top ten world indices to long
  • top ten world indices to short
Recommended Positions: Long
24 07 2013 10 48 51 Best Investments Based on Algorithms: 8.19% Gain in 14 DaysForecast Length: 3 Months (12/30/14 - 03/30/15)
I Know First Average: 9.09%

Get the "World Indices" Package.
  Stock Market Indices

Momentum Investing: Up To 40.40% Return In 3 Months

Momentum Investing

This Best Tech Stocks forecast is designed for investors and analysts who need predictions of the best performing stocks for the whole Technology Industry. It includes 10 stocks with bullish and bearish signals and indicates the best tech stocks to buy:
  • Top 10 tech stocks for the long position
  • Top 10 tech stocks for the short position
Package Name: Tech Stocks
Recommended Positions: Long
24 07 2013 10 48 51 Best Investments Based on Algorithms: 8.19% Gain in 14 DaysForecast Length: 3 Months (12/30/14 – 3/30/15)
I Know First Average: 12.62%
Get the “Top Tech Stocks” Package. Momentum Investing

Stock Prediction Algorithm: Up To 32.99% Increase In 3 Months

Stock Prediction Algorithm

This forecast is part of the “European Stock Market” package, as one of I Know First’s algorithmic trading tools. The full forecast includes a daily predictions for a total of 20 stocks with bullish and bearish signals:

  • Top ten European stocks picks to long
  • Top ten European stocks picks to short

Recommended Positions: Long
24 07 2013 10 48 51 Best Investments Based on Algorithms: 8.19% Gain in 14 DaysForecast Length: 3 Months (12/20/14 – 03/20/15)
I Know First Average: 6.14%

 Stock Prediction Algorithm