Stock Forecast Algorithm: Updated algorithm Performance (February 24 2013 )
Updated algorithm performance: These are the current top 20 best predictable equities by 14 days predictability.
This performance is based on the last 120 days predictions,
There is daily parameter that indicating the forecast performance: the predictability.
The "strength" of the prediction is the Predictability P, which ranges theoretically between minus 1 to plus 1. This metric is an adaptation of the Pearson correlation coefficient. Negative P means the actual market move was the opposite of prediction. Zero P means no correlation between the prediction and the actual
European stock markets: Daily forecast based on a predictive algorithm
Daily forecast for European stock markets based on predictive algorithm.
We are constantly adding new stocks to our prediction database. We have recently expanded the range of the stocks in our system to include many European, international and multinational stocks.
Here’s the partial list:
FTSE index DAX index CAC index STOXX 50 index IBEX index ADP Automatic Data Processing, Inc. AEG AEGON N.V. AHONY Koninklijke Ahold N.V. AIXG Aixtron SE AKZOY
Gold forecast: 8.7% drop in 3 months
Gold forecast and the prediction for the major commodities: Crude Oil , Silver and XAU/XAG based on "I Know First" Algorithm.
The forecast date: November 23 2012 (before market opening).
Time horizon of the forecast: 90 trading days from November 23 2012 – February 23 2013.
The forecast includes prediction for:
Crude Oil price direction Gold price direction. Silver price direction XAU/XAG
AAPL stock forecast: 5.1% drop in 14 days
AAPL stock forecast and the predictions for Microsoft and Amazon from February 10 2013 (before market opening) based on "I Know First" predictive algorithm.
Time horizon of the forecast: 14 trading days from February 10 2013-February 24 2013.
Get daily forecast for Microsoft .Google, Apple & S&P 500
Apple stock forecast for today