Algorithmic Perspective While algorithmic analysis is not to be considered conclusive, it is useful when combined with traditional techniques. Where such stocks as Netflix are concerned, algorithmic analysis - which relies upon historical trends and other information - can be especially useful in carefully piecing apart one's investment decisions, which may otherwise be subjective to surrounding bias. I Know First is just one investment firm that uses an advanced self-learning algorithm based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and artificial neural networks to supplement its fundamental analyses. In doing so, it predicts the flow of money in almost 2,000 markets across a range of time frames (e.g., 3-days, 1-month, 1-year). It should be noted that the algorithm's predictability (i.e., its accuracy) becomes stronger in 1-month, 3-month, and 1-year forecasts; as such, it can - when coupled with traditional analysis and careful reasoning - most effectively be used to analyze both short-term and long-term trends, but is not as convenient where intraday trading is concerned. The algorithm has seen a high degree of accuracy. As such, while it may seem tempting to disregard its predictions, cross-checking with its suggestions can be helpful in deciding where to place your money.