I Know First Weekly Review Algorithmic Performance: May 24, 2020

I Know First Weekly Newsletter
Investment Selection Using AI Predictive Algorithm
May 24, 2020
I Know First Weekly Newsletter
Investment Selection Using AI Predictive Algorithm
May 24, 2020
I Know First Weekly Newsletter
Investment Selection Using AI Predictive Algorithm
May 21, 2020
In the 7-day forecast period from May 14th to May 21st, both Rave Restaurant Group Inc (RAVE) and Ampco-Pittsburg Crop (AP) displayed stunning returns, in alignment with the bullish I Know First forecast for that time period.
RAVE’s products and services are best known under the trademark Pizza Inn. RAVE and its subsidiaries operate and franchise 250 restaurants spanning pizza buffets, delivery, and express restaurant services. The Texas-based company controls the segments of Pizza Inn Franchising, Pie Five Franchising, and Company-Owned Restaurants.
While there are many factors attributable
On May 23, I Know First representatives spearheaded a successful presentation for a NTU delegation from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, comprised of NTU alumni who are now leaders in business and finance. The much anticipated visit, hosted jointly by the Israeli Export Institute and the Israeli Economic Mission to Singapore, supported diverse interests but had an unmistakable focus on fintech, as evidenced by the attendance of members from three banks.
I Know First successfully addressed the delegation’s interests in fintech by delivering a presentation titled “Investment
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