I Know First Evaluation Report For Options Universe
Executive Summary
In this forecast evaluation report, we will examine the performance of the forecasts generated by the I Know First AI Algorithm for assets from the short term signals Options universe provided as part of the Options Package, which is sent to our customers on a daily basis. Our analysis covers the time period from 1 January 2019 to 14 July 2019. We will start with an introduction to our asset picking and bench marking methods and then apply it to the Short Term Signals Options universe covered by us in the Options Package. We will then compare returns based on our algorithm with the benchmark performance over the same period. Below, we present our key takeaways from applying signal and volatility filters.

Options - Short Term Signals Highlights:
- Top 5 signals had better returns in all time horizons than the Benchmark Index. The best return came from the forecast for a 14-day time horizon which produced a return of 2.18% which outperformed the benchmark by 59%.
- Top 10 signals had better returns in all time horizons than the Benchmark Index. The best return came from the forecast for a 14-day time horizon which produced a return of 1.58% which outperformed the benchmark by 15%.